My senior project will focus on rendering surreal compositions
which arise from my photography and hand drawn elements. I will render these compositions using
layers of printmaking methods such as lithography, screen print, and
intaglio. I am minoring in
printmaking, which means I will be combining my efforts of my advanced
printmaking class and the time allotted for senior project to produce as much
prints as possible throughout the semester. I imagine I will be able to produce 5-6 prints, but the schedule
will depend on when the image appears complete, because printmaking is a
workflow based on layers.
The content of my work will
be inspired by the question of “how does the creator God interact and or relate
to creation?” I am inspired by various
culture’s descriptions of how the world was created. One such myth believes the world hatched from an egg. This has inspired a print I am
currently working on, and it will be a hand breaking an egg from which the
earth and galaxy are dripping out of.
The second print I am
currently working on features a baby being fed the world on a spoon. The background consists of a galaxy
texture, and galaxy fluid is dripping down the babies’ face.
Another myth describes the human race being shaped from a clay
substance, and baked for various periods of time. The time the clay humans were baked resulted in how they
explained the existence of different skin colors. The scene of an artist, and clay shaper shaping the human
race intrigues me and I would like to make a print which is a glimpse into this
artful process. I imagine a human
head in the hands of the creator, being painted and shaped , implying the
action by only being half painted and created.
I am
currently taking a “religions of the world” coarse which provides me with a
constant flow of new knowledge of how various cultures picture their God. I see the universe as a work of art,
and I strive to investigate this idea of a God hand reaching in and
manipulating creation. I am also
interested in the point when the creator becomes overwhelmed with creation, and
decides to destroy it. Last
semester I did a print with pool balls subbed with planets, and a God hand
reaching in and shooting these planets toward a black hole pool table
pocket. I want to continue this
play on the idea of how vulnerable the universe is in relation to the creator,
and how small we are in comparison.
I have a rough idea of a print set in a wheat field and a hand reaching
in with a gun or some destructive device pointed at the skyline. Where the field meets the ground, the
sky will be the galaxy and planets.
My idea is after I print the composition, to actually shoot the print
itself and have holes in the planets.
Universe hatching from egg:
Doll factory: