Wednesday, April 3, 2013


  Leslie and Kimberly said to play with toning down the metallic text on the universe egg print, and I agree with them.  I am drawing over the metallic text with a red crayon, so the text sits more into the background of the image.  They also pushed me to explore another medium to go along with the prints, so I am doing the video portion which will be relate to the same theme of my work. 
    This week I have been editing the video and putting the soundtrack on it, I will post it as soon as it is complete! 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Monday, March 11, 2013

Artist statment/ Bio


Artist Statement

     My work for this series is inspired by the question, “How does God interact, and relate to creation.
     God to me is the ultimate artist, the universe is the masterpiece.  I find it impossible to imagine an artist who can create without putting aspects of themselves and a reflection of their mind into their work.  Therefore, I find it equally impossible to observe the intricacy of the natural world and believe there is no reflection and connection of God evident.
·           The existence of a work of art implies a creator who was incredibly intentional in the execution of the piece. With my work I strive to reflect the vastness creation and various surreal events in which we may picture this creator reaching in and being involved with creation. 


     I was born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  When I applied to LSU in 2009, there was no doubt In my mind I wanted to pursue art & design.  I have been in Digital Art approaching four years now, and look forward to graduation in May 2013.
     I am currently working at Shopper’s Choice as a videographer and editor.  I focus on product marketing and recipe videos with Chef Tony Matassa. 
    In addition, I am currently focusing on building a wedding videography portfolio.  I seek to produce videos which capture the emotion of life changing moments, and see this as an exciting challenge.  

Monday, March 4, 2013

Galaxy Eye

Pulled the transparent blue color over the lithography and moss texture prints.  Planning on adding some gold spray paint via stencil to the eyelashes.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Bhagavata Purana

Figured out what the lithography wash galaxy texture will be used for:  A print inspired by a quote from the Bhagavata Puranas: 
"His eyes are the generating centers of all kinds of forms, and they glitter and illuminate.  His eyeballs are like the sun and the heavenly planets."

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Found this picture of a children's clothes market,  Using it as inspiration for the next print, human creation factory.  Hand reaching in and painting a face on one of the humans.

Printmaking Progress

 This is a print I did with Tree moss directly on the intaglio plate , most likely going to be background for some poem text.
 This is the most recent print I have pulled, Universe from an egg based on a creation myth, White ground used in the background, line etching and aquatint on a zinc plate.  I plan on watercoloring the continents on the earth and possibly some subtle colors in the background.
Pulled the black layer on this print.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Progress 1

I printed this lithograph with a alcohol and water wash on the stone for a galaxy background texture.
 This photograph I shot to layer on top of the galaxy background ^ The yolk will become the earth, and galaxy star fluid, the hand and egg will be surrounded by black nothingness, and flow out into the lithography texture.
I photographed the moon through my binoculars, and will use it as a stock image for building my galaxies.  
This is the copper plate I am etching to print on top of the background screen and intaglio layers. (prints backwards)
 The background is multi-color wiped intaglio, with screen print for the other layers.